Your data needs to be protected. Our team of computer experts will ensure your data is protected from hackers, and competitors. In addition, we will make sure you have the proper backups in place to recover your data in case of a disaster.
Full PC Tuneup
Spyware, Ransomware, Viruses and Hijacks are infecting computers everyday. If your business or home computer is online, you are likely to have at least some Malware. In extreme cases, your computer or Internet will run very slowly or you may not even be able to get online. Symptoms of a Hijack include annoying pop-ups, redirecting your home page, changing your wallpaper and more. Call us and we'll help you eradicate these bugs.
Server Maintenance
Our local skilled technicians can deploy new servers and migrate old servers to new platforms. We can monitor and maintain your servers to ensure optimum performance. We perform all updates and maintenance during non-working hours so there will be no interruptions for your employees.
Cloud Solutions
Do you want access to your data anytime and anywhere? The Cloud might be the solution for you or your business. You and your colleagues can securely share resources and data on demand. We can migrate your existing email or data to the cloud without your business being disrupted. In most cases we migrate email or data during the lowest peak hours to ensure the least amount of downtime for you and your employees.
Web Design
Our team of web designers will work with your business to design a web site that fits your companies needs at a price that will pleasantly surprise you. We use some of the latest web technologies that will bring a modern and interactive flare to your website. Our tools are extensive and we have teams of experts standing by to take your business to the next level.
Low-Voltage Wiring
Whether it's new construction, or an existing structure, we are here to help with your cabling needs. Do you know what cabling is right for your network? A Through Z Computing can help. There are a number of factors that need to be considered: bandwidth needs, your network environment, your expected future bandwidth requirements and your budget. Let us help design and deliver all of your low-voltage wiring needs.

We can design, configure, and install a network that is right for you or your business. We install wired and wireless networks for home users and businesses. No job is too big or too small.
Server Repair
Your local skilled technicians can deploy new servers and migrate old servers to new platforms. We can monitor and maintain your servers to ensure optimum performance. We perform all updates and maintenance during non-working hours so there will be no interruptions for your employees.
Data Recovery
We have the tools to recover your data from hard drives, external drives, cameras, etc. Let our team of experts help you get your data back! We also work with outsourced data recovery clean rooms when mechanical failures take over and cannot be recovered with our battery of tools.
In order to meet your computing needs, our computer experts will make suggestions to update your software or hardware. Have you upgraded to Windows 10? Do you want your computer to perform faster without buying a new system? A solid state hard drive might be the upgrade you are looking for. These new drives are much faster, use less energy and are more reliable since there are no moving parts inside, unlike traditional hard drives. Do you need more memory to optimize your productivity? We offer solutions for all of your computing needs.
Virus Removal
We offer full PC tune-ups for our customers. We will sweep your computer for viruses, malware, hijacks, and more. We will update software on your computer including, but not limited to, installing Windows updates, Adobe, Java, drivers and antivirus software. We also remove bugs that are embedded in your browsers. We check to make sure your Windows Operating System files are not corrupt. We ensure your computer is running at its optimum speed. We'll get your computer up and running on the same day or next day. Plus, we are ready to help you where you are: in-store, on-site or online. Call today to schedule an appointment!
Is your data backed-up? Several times each week, we work with clients who have lost data for one reason or another and they didn't have good backups. We highly recommend having an automatic backup that is off-site. Off-site backup services are an inexpensive way to give you piece of mind when saving your data. A Through Z Computing is a partner with Carbonite. Start Now If you still prefer a local backup, we can help you set this up as well. Both Windows 10 and Mac OSX have great back-up tools build into the operating system, so all you need is a good external hard drive.